
Archive for the ‘Haiti’ Category

January 12th will mark one year since the devastating earthquake in Haiti.  Those few moments and their aftermath took hundreds of thousands of lives, left many more homeless, and affected countless children in profound and permanent ways, including leaving many as orphans.  The eye of the media has largely moved on to other stories, but the need in Haiti remains as pressing as ever.

Of course, there are as many unique callings and places to serve as there are Christians in the world.  We certainly should not feel guilty that we can’t all focus on Haiti.  But still, if we felt ache and anguish in the days following the earthquake, we would do well not to quickly forget.  To do so merely mirrors the world’s sad and harmful pattern: to feel deeply yet act little and persevere even less.

The true disciple of Christ consistently matches compassionate emotion with both loving action and loving perseverance, just as the Good Samaritan both cared for the wounded traveler and also promised to return later to cover his future medical bills.  Even if our primary calling is to Russia or Cambodia or foster youth in the U.S., we can remain faithful in prayer to Haiti.

I’m tremendously thankful that Scott Vair and the others at World Orphans felt a desire to gather Christians virtually on the earthquakes’ anniversary to pray for Haiti.  We invite you to join with us and others members of the Christian Alliance for Orphans community on January 12th, 2011 at 4:00pm EST for one hour via “webinar.”  Led by a number of orphan advocates, we will be praying together for the country of Haiti, for stability and integrity in its government, for ongoing relief and rebuilding efforts, for the Haitian church, and for the children of Haiti we all care about so much.

Registration is required, and you can do so today here.

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As I write this I am on an plane approaching Port-au-Prince, Haiti. As you may already know, Hope for Orphans is locking arms with a group of other organizations to come alongside Haitian churches as they seek to love and care for children who were orphaned by the earthquake. The HORT initiative (Haiti Orphan Relief Team) sent its first team last month to connect with Haitian churches with a heart for caring for orphans in their communities (you can read David Leventhal’s blog posts from that first HORT trip by clicking HERE). On our current trip, we will take the next step with 10 of these churches and will continue to meet with others as well. On Wednesday, we will be meeting with the pastors of these 10 Haitian churches for the day to discuss more of the details of what it will look like to partner together. During part of that time I will be team teaching with Dan Cruver (Together for Adoption) on a biblical framework for adoption.

I am really excited about this particular initiative and the potential impact it can have. Each church’s program will identify up to 20 children to place into homes within the church. Each church will identify a team to oversee the program and will help to ensure that each of these children gets food, medical care, education, and is developed spiritually. With 10 churches starting the program initially, that means 200 kids are getting care right out of the gate –- and in Christian families.

As you know, it’s important to always be asking the question, “what can we do better together than we could ever do alone?” The HORT initiative is another encouraging example of organizations coming together and putting their collective shoulder behind something that will really help kids.

I would like to ask you to pray with us for this time and for the program. Here are few things you can pray for:

  1. That we would make good connections with more strong churches
  2. That we would be active learners and great listeners
  3. That we would be able to truly identify ways to help Haitian Christians care for
    Haitian orphans.
  4. That churches would see many changed lives in the children they help.

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David Leventhal is still in Haiti.  He wrote the following after addressing 100 Haitian pastors:

“This morning Paul Myhill (President of World Orphans) & I had the opportunity to speak before 100 Haitian pastors at a Campus Crusade for Christ training conference in Port Au Prince.  The training was being led by Esperandieu Pierre.

Esperandieu asked us to cast vision & encourage these pastors in their love & service for the orphans in their community.  We didn’t have much time & because Esperandieu had to translate for us the time we had was cut in half.

When I woke up this morning I began asking the Lord what He wanted me to communicate to these men.  It had to be short, easy to remember & useful.  As I worked through my thoughts & reflected on a couple of passages I realize the best place to start & finish was at the very cornerstone of all we believe.  I distilled it down into two main points:

  • The gospel is the basis for WHY we care for orphans
    • The gospel frees us to love others – we love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).
    • The gospel frees us to look outside ourselves towards the needs of others – we look at Christ who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped (Philippians 2:5ff).
    • The gospel provides the power by which we can love sacrificially when it doesn’t make sense for us to (Romans 6:11ff).
  • The gospel is the model for HOW we care for orphans.
    • The gospel is offered free of charge – we are to care for orphans without expectation of receiving anything from them (John 3:16).
    • The gospel is not dependent upon our abilities – we are to care for orphans irrespective of their physical, mental or emotional capacity (Ephesians 2:8-9).
    • The gospel addresses the whole person – we are to care for the spiritual, physical & emotional needs of vulnerable children.  This is more than just basic food, clothing & shelter (James 1:27, 2 Corinthians 4:16ff).
    • The gospel cost Christ his life – we are to spend ourselves for the cause of the orphan, the vulnerable & the defenseless (Romans 8:32, Romans 5:8)

At the end of the day orphan care should tie back to the grace of God made fully known in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.”

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David Leventhal sent this update from Haiti:

Today was a good laying the groundwork day.  Our team met with CMBH (Southern Baptist Group in Haiti) & World Relief.  The net result of our time is that we will be able to meet with 46 churches in the coming week.  Definitely a great start to the church to church partnerships we are hoping to create to care for Haiti’s orphans.

Our time with World Relief was especially sweet as we got to hear about all the great things they are doing to care for orphans & vulnerable children.  Their headquarters in Port Au Prince was destroyed so they are working out of one of their hospital / orphanage facilities called King’s Hospital.  After our meeting we were able to spend some time with the children in their orphanage.  There is nothing, absolutely nothing like getting eyeball to eyeball with a child that has lost everything.  It brings a renewed perspective that you simply cannot get from a book, a sermon or a meeting over coffee. It will wreck you in the best possible way.

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Hope for Orphans is proud to be a part of the Haiti Orphan Relief Team (HORT).  HORT is a cooperative effort of disaster response experts and U.S. based ministries that have joined together to respond to the orphan crisis in Haiti.

The first deployment, which I will be a part of, departs on February 14th with the specific mission of supporting the churches of Haiti to care for the orphaned children in their communities. HORT will collaborate with and train Haitian ministries to sustain this effort beyond the deployment period.

The primary goal of this first initiative is to better enable Haitian churches to reunite children with their families or to keep children within extended family structures. For children that have no other options, HORT will help Haitian churches to provide direct care in home environments, as opposed to institutional orphanages.  The focus is on long-term, sustainable orphan care through the local church.

U.S. churches are also part of the solution and are being recruited by HORT to come alongside these Haitian churches in church-to-church partnerships to initiate, strengthen and grow their outreach to orphans in their immediate communities. These partnerships will also work towards the self-sustainability of the orphan rescue and care efforts in Haiti.

A couple of things you can do:

  • Pray like crazy that this team would:
    • Exalt Christ as we look for long-term orphan relief strategies
    • Remain unified & focused on the goal – we want to set aside logos & egos for the purpose of glorifying God as we care for the least of these
    • Be protected physically & spiritually while in Haiti.  We deploy on 2/14.  Some will be returning on 2/24 & others on 2/28.
    • Be able to identify churches on the ground in Haiti & in the U.S. that will be able to partner with us and one another.
  • Advocate: Spread the word via
  • Support the HORT effort financially through the website below
  • Educate: Learn more at www.haitiorphanrelief.com

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Click below to hear these girls singing:

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose. The jailer woke up, and when he saw the prison doors open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped. But Paul shouted, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!”

The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas. He then brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” Acts 16:25-30

On January 12th, God allowed a violent earthquake to rock Haiti. He also allows earthquakes in every one of our lives. Have you ever noticed that God has used earthquakes to punctuate important times where He is working. Examples include the crucifixion, the resurrection when the stone was rolled away and increasing earthquakes as the day of His return draws near. Earthquakes, whether geological or personal, get our attention. How we respond makes all the difference.

Two weeks ago, I spent 5 days at a Christian-led orphanage in Haiti. Almost everyone I met there knew someone who had died in the quake. The orphanage director, a pastor, lost his entire house and belongings, but he led the children in praise to the the Lord who had saved their lives. Almost every day I was there the aftershocks continued. The children were all sleeping outside each night afraid to go back into the building. Our team of medical and orphan advocates brought all that we could including a few tents. A group of the middle school aged girls enjoyed one of the tents and eagerly took care of some of the very small children each night. I noticed from my first day there, that despite having almost nothing, no biological family present and still living with the terror of the earthquake, they still sang in the morning and they sang as they went to bed.

On the afternoon of the aftershock that measured 5.9,  I was sitting on a 3rd story balcony. The whole building began to sway. The children began to scream, the doctors scrambled and we all ran out into the yard. This was a very personal reminder that our lives are but a vapor and no one has anything but each breath God gives us. About an hour later, I was walking by the middle school aged girls tent and I heard some of the most wonderful singing I have ever heard.  They were singing in Creole. I leaned into the tent with my iPhone and began to record. At first, I was taken aback by the smell of the urine that was no doubt evidence of the number of babies sleeping there each night. But, as the girls sang, I was quickly immersed in worship that can only be described as pure. After a few more moments, I was able to recognize the tune they were singing….It was In His Time. Incredible. Then I realized in the midst of that praise so soon after the 5.9, that I didn’t smell the urine any more. Instead I was aware that the Lord was in that place. The thought came to my mind, that for those of us in America we think we live in such ease and comfort…..but really we sleep in tents that smell as well….unless we are praising God and living for Him,  especially when the earthquakes come.

Last week I had the opportunity to speak to the staff of FamilyLife about my trip. I played for them my recording of the Haitian orphan girls singing In His Time. You can listen to by clicking on the play button above. The neat thing is that one of our staff actually knows the author of In His Time.  Her name is Diane Ball. My friend told her about these girls singing her song and she began to cry. When earthquakes come into our lives, we should pray that the Lord will give us the grace to sing like Paul and Silas and these wonderful Haitian orphan girls.

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Last week Hope for Orphans’ Founder & Executive Director, Paul Pennington was in Haiti advocating on behalf of a group of orphans.  He was able to see and experience firsthand the utter devistation in Haiti.  Paul returned to Texas on Monday & had an opportunity today to share about his experience in Haiti on FamilyLife Today’s radio broadcast.

Click below to listen to the interview

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As many Christians continue to see the face of suffering on the news every evening, they wonder, “What can I do to really help?”  Over the past week on this blog, our team has been discussing the role of adoption and giving in response to the crisis in Haiti.  One of the things I have been thinking about is the role of a local church orphans ministry in the midst of a humanitarian crisis such as this.

We have seen a huge outpouring of individuals wanting to do everything from donating the use of their airplanes, to spending time in Haiti administering medical care, to hosting and even adopting children affected by this tragedy. In light of this great number of Christians who are poised and ready saying, “Lord, here am I – send me,” what can an established church orphans ministry do?

When I was a kid, one of my favorite things to do with my friends was to play “Tackle the Man with the Football” (we had another name for this game that isn’t really suitable for print). There were really no rules to speak of, no order and certainly no protective equipment – you just looked for the guy with the ball and did everything you could to get him on the ground.  In short, it was chaos.  In retrospect, I have no earthly idea how I’ve made to this point in my life never having broken a bone.

As I got older, my friends and I graduated into more organized football and learned the importance of game plans, coaches and quarterbacks (and helmets).  When it comes to caring for orphans through your church in the midst of a crisis situation, a church orphans ministry can serve the function of a quarterback on a football team.  Still under the authority of the church staff (the coaching staff), a church orphans ministry leader has the advantage of being on the field and seeing things others can’t see and that will greatly affect the outcome of the game.  I recognize that football as a metaphor for church orphans ministry falls short at several different levels in light of the severity of the need. However, I feel it does help for illustration purposes to describe the three roles that a church orphans ministry can play:

1) Apprise – To apprise means to “inform.”  A quarterback takes in a lot of information and assimilates that information for others.  If he sees the defense doing certain things, he lets the coaches and the other players know.  You can be the eyes and ears for your church as it relates to orphans in the midst of a crisis.  For example, in Haiti, a church orphans ministry leader should be the one who knows the daily developments related to Haitian orphans.  What is happening to the children?  What are the Haitian and American policies on adoption and on temporary care in the U.S.? What are Christian organizations doing specifically for orphans in Haiti?

Finding and assimilating this information and then passing it on to your congregation through your church’s website, e-mail and your team’s social networking connections can help members of your church know the truth, can eliminate rumors about what is and is not possible and will equip them to respond accordingl

2) Advise – A quarterback can tell his coaches on the sidelines what he is seeing on the field and then make recommendations for a plan of attack.  Having gathered as much information as possible, you may very well be in a position to humbly counsel your church’s leadership about the church’s corporate response to the crisis.  Your church staff will undoubtedly be in contact with your missions team but you can provide counsel specifically related to orphans involved in the crisis.  How will the church counsel members who indicate an interest in adopting a Haitian orphan?  What organizations will be recommended to church members for financial partnership?

The key to playing this role in your church is to approach leadership as a helper and not as an expert.  Make recommendations rather than impassioned demands (i.e  “Children are starving on the streets without parents – what is this church going to do about it!!!!”)  Remember that you’re on the same team as (and under the authority of) your pastor.

3) Advocate—If a quarterback notices that his running backs are not getting the blocks they need to get through the line, he is going to talk to his linemen and advocate for his running backs.  In the same way, when you see a place where a strategy or a particular group of children need to be noticed, speak up.  Keeping in mind the last part of point 2 about humbly approaching church leadership, don’t be afraid to advocate in your church and “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves . . .” (Proverbs 31:8a).  God has placed you in a position within your church to be the voice for children who lack one. God will use you to demonstrate His love and His reality to children in the most desperate of circumstances.

A church orphans ministry at a time like this cannot only be a blessing to hundreds of children, it can be a blessing to your church and your church’s leadership as you use your passion and experience to serve your church and the Kingdom.

If you don’t yet have an orphans ministry in your church and are interested in learning more about starting one, please click here.  If you would like to talk with someone at Hope for Orphans about orphans ministry in your church, please contact our Manager of Church Mobilization, Shane McBride, at SMcBride@familylife.com.

By God’s leading and with the wisdom He provides, you can play an important role in helping the members of your church “Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless. . .” (Psalm 82:3a).

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We, at Hope for Orphans, want to thank you for the incredible outpouring of support for the orphans in Haiti. The need has been great, but you, the Body, have overwhelmed us with your willingness and desire to serve the “least of these”. We have been amazed at the numbers who have responded with a desire to open your homes and your hearts to these children. We are sorry that we can’t respond to each one of you individually. As of yesterday (Saturday),the Haitian government and the U.S. State Department issued a statement that only children who were in the process of being adopted will be allowed to leave the country.

We are thrilled that some of the children we have been advocating for will be allowed to come to their forever families in the U.S. We will do everything that we can to come along side these families and encourage, support and pray for them. We are heartbroken over the children that will not be allowed to come to prospective adoptive families waiting for them on this end. Paul Pennington and others have spent countless hours working to convince Embassy Authorities that we have home study ready families prepared to parent these children in the U.S. Unfortunately, they are unwilling to allow these children to leave if they had not previously (before the earthquake) been assigned to an approved family. These children should be available, through the normal adoption process, when the Haitian government resumes adoption placements.

If the Lord has used this tragedy in Haiti to ignite the flame in your heart to adopt, then we would encourage you to pray that His Spirit would lead you to your waiting child. There are over 140 MILLION orphans across the globe. Not all of those are adoptable, but many are and your family might be the answer to their future. There are approximately 118,000 adoptable children in the U.S. Foster Care system. We encourage you not to miss God’s blessing.

Thank you to all who have worked tirelessly over the last few days to help these children: volunteers, staff, physicians, churches, American Airlines, and so many others. Please visit our website at www.HopeForOrphans.org to find out how you can engage your church to care for the orphan. We will continue to post updates on this blog.

Thank you for serving along side with us,
– Robin Pennington

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I just talked with Paul Pennington on the phone.  There are two pieces of information that I want to pass along:

  1. Paul spent 30 minutes on the phone with the czar of the Haiti task force from the State Department.  This morning the Haitian government came out & said that only children in the process of being adopted will be allowed to be released. He said that even if Hillary Clinton were to issue a special parole designation for the double orphans in Haiti they still would not be allowed to leave.
  2. There has been a rumor going around that if a Haitian child has a sibling in the U.S. then they will be allowed to leave.  Paul said this is not the case (unless that sibling is in the process of being adopted per item #1 above). 

Please continue to pray that the Lord would: 

  1. Move so that children who have been separated from their family would be reunited & for those who are desperately trying to match kids with parents & extended family in Haiti.
  2. Move on behalf of the children who have lost family & have no one to care for them…that families would be raised up to care for them & not only for them but for the millions of others around the globe that are waiting for families.

Be sure to check back for more updates. 

Here are a few of the children in the orphanage that Paul has been advocating for.

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